With the ‘4th industrial revolution’ on the way, the era of future automobile is opening up.
The future automobile is represented by eco-friendly, smart and connected vehicles, and is the result of integrating modern technologies and systems. As more communication and control functions are needed, advanced electronic components will be increasing.
Yura Corporation is focused on developing key components for these vehicles by aggressively investing in our current technologies. Based on our solid technological advantage and quality management capabilities, the company has consistently expanded production of our automotive electronics components and is leading the development of these components in the eco-friendly vehicle sector.
Yura Corporation is supplying components to many global vehicle manufacturers from facilities in 16 countries worldwide. Yura Corporation manages the quality of our products from design to supply based on the latest technology, and is committed to providing competitive products for the future needs of our customers.
Yura Corporation is preparing to take a giant leap into the era of the future automobile. With unstinting challenge and innovation, we will become a confident partner to our customers by developing key components for future automobiles. For safety and convenience to the human race, Yura Corporation will fast-forward the era of dream cars.
Thank you.

Yura Corporation CEOOhm Dae Yeol