Cyber Auditor's Office
The office receives reports on issues requiring improvements, including unethical behaviors, or unfair or unreasonable work situations for employees. With a view to establishing transparency and ethics in business management and symbiotic cooperation, we look to active participation and cooperation. The reports will be kept confidential and are accepted with transparency.
- By
- By phone+82) 70-7878-1010
- By fax+82) 31-680-6837
- By mailAuditor, Auditor's Office, Yura R&D Center, 308, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do
Protecting the Reporter
Yura Corporation will fulfill its responsibilities in protecting the reporter with complete security. The company will not reveal the identity of the reporter or disclose any information without the person's consent, and will not put the reporter at a disadvantage.
- What Is Protected.
- The identity of the reporter.
- The evidence or information collected in the report as presented by the reporter.
- Things that hint at the suspected persons.
- Follow-up actions of the report.
- Protection Policy
- Reporters and specifics of reports are kept confidential.
- The processing of reports is implemented by limited staffs who have pledged to strictly keep details of reports confidential.
- We make sure that reporters won't be put in a disadvantage or face any penalties.
- A person who reports improprieties or irregularities in which he or she is involved in shall have best consideration to the extenuating circumstances.