Human Resources Management
Yura Corporation uses transparency and fairness in its HR system that respects the employees’ creativity and autonomy.
Position System
Position System
Employee Evaluation
- Categories of Evaluation
- The company implements an objective and systematic evaluation of its employees, assessing achievements once a year (managing KPI from BSC perspective) and skills twice a year (in the early and latter half-year).
- 360-Degree Feedback
- The company implements the 360-degree feedback in supplementing the unidirectional evaluation from superiors and ensuring the fairness, objectivity, and reliability of the evaluation.
- Coaching Feedback
- The company operates the program to boost the employee’s potential and improve the reliability of the evaluation.
Nurturing Talents
- Career Development Program
- It supports the employee’s growth through systematic acquisition and management of needed job skills.
- Job Bidding (In-company Open Calls)
- The company provides support so that employees within the organization can challenge and apply for various areas of the business.
- Nurturing Overseas Opportunity
- Yura Corporation interacts with the 24,000 global Yura family members in 14 countries, learning diverse cultures and mutual respect.
Welfare benefits
Financial aid for employees’ children
Diverse rewards
Company-owned condominiums
Refreshment leave